The Progress Post 04.14.2023


April 14th, 2023                                                          

Dear Progress Families,

I hope you all had a wonderful Spring Break! It’s been a great week of getting our feet back under us after the well-deserved time off. We are ready to take on the final trimester! Our Spring round of Inquiry and Exploration units have begun! Be sure to ask your kids about what they are learning about!

At the end of April your kids will all be taking the FastBridge assessment for the final time of the year. This assessment measures growth in the areas of Reading and Math. There is also a socio-emotional piece we take a look at.

May 9th-26th our 3rd through 5th Grade students will be taking the Smarter Balanced Assessment which is the state testing for students across Washington. The specific dates can be found below under the Upcoming Events section. It is really important to avoid scheduling appointments on these days so that the kids may test in their own classroom where they will be more comfortable and confident. If missing one of these days is unavoidable, please let your Child’s teacher know as soon as possible so we can schedule the make-up assessment.

If your child will be missing school for any reason, it is very important to call the attendance line and let us know the reason for the absence. Absences not called in with a reason will be left as unexcused.

PTA needs board members for next year! Voting happens in May. If interested please reach out to Kyndra Bunkelman at

Sexual Health, Human Growth & Development

Instruction window: May 1-19, 2023, for 4th-5th grades.  No changes were made to 4-5th grade lessons. Opt-out options are available and will be detailed on the preview web page.

Upcoming events:

Kindergarten Registration is open!

SBA Testing Dates:

3rd – 5th Grades: May 9th, 10th, 11th, 16th, and 17th

5th Grade only: May 23rd

May 11th – PTA Meeting 6:30-7:30 on Zoom

May 26th-June 9th – Book Fair!

May 31st – Progress Community Night! More to come!

June 7th3:00-9:00 pm-PTA Family Dine Out! Chuck E. Cheese

June 15thPTA Meeting. 6:30-7:30 on Zoom.

June 20th - Last Day of School. This is an 11:00 am release day!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Go Panthers!

Eric Dobney, Principal
