PTA Community Family Night! Come to this fun family friendly event! We will have a spaghetti & meatballs feed ($5/bowl), pie a teacher in the face ($3) and a silent auction (bids start at $5). Join us for some fun!
Conference Sign-Up links Use this link to sign-up for your child's Spring Conference. You can call the office at (509) 558-4500 if you have questions about how to use sign-up Genius.
Silverwood Read-to-Ride Reading Program Students have the opportunity to earn a free ticket to Silverwood Theme Park!
K-5 Cheer Camp coming 3/18/2023! Your K-5 Child has the opportunity to participate in a mini-cheer camp at Central Valley High School. Training is from 10-2 and a special performance will follow at 2:30pm the same day.Use the link to sign-up today!
Family Bingo Night! Come and join in the family fun with math and Bingo games at Progress Elementary's Family Bingo Night!The Classroom Scavenger Hunt is 5:30-6:30pm and the Bingo games start at 6:30 sharp, and go until 8:00pm.
CVSD is Hiring! See the flier for information about employment opportunities in Central Valley School District.